Meteor shower lights up North West

An image from the Lyrids (s)An image from the Lyrids (s)
An image from the Lyrids (s)
Social media was alight last night with reports of a “great ball of fire” appearing in the sky over Burnley and the Fylde Coast on Sunday night.

It appears the heavenly glow was most likely a meteor shower, with Susan Dean suggesting it may have been part of the Lyrid meteor shower.

She said: “Lyrid meteors tend to be bright and often leave trails. About 10 to 20 meteors per hour can be expected at their peak.

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“Plus, the Lyrids are known for uncommon surges that can sometimes bring the rate up to 100 per hour.

“Those rare outbursts are not easy to predict, but they’re one of the reasons the tantalizing Lyrids are worth checking out around their peak morning.”

A similar phenomenon was also spotted by a reader from Blackpool who Tweeted to say she had witnessed a fireball in the sky.