How to get a good night's sleep with hay fever

If your sleep is suffering due to hay fever, it could be time to change your bedtime routine (photo: Adobe)If your sleep is suffering due to hay fever, it could be time to change your bedtime routine (photo: Adobe)
If your sleep is suffering due to hay fever, it could be time to change your bedtime routine (photo: Adobe)
Expert reveals tips for a decent night's sleep for hay fever sufferers

With pollen counts beginning to rise, hay fever season is upon us - affecting around a quarter of Brits, according to research.

And its symptoms can bring a salvo of discomfort affecting many aspects of sufferers' lives throughout the day - and night.

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If your sleep schedule has been adversely affected by hay fever, it could be time to make some changes to your bedtime routine.

Mattressman ( has partnered with qualified sleep practitioner, Dr Daisy Mae, to provide some tips on how to sleep with even the worst cases of allergies.

Practice hygiene

“After spending a whole day outdoors, your clothes and body will have picked up a host of different smells and substances.

"Although it may feel like the last thing you’ll want to do, a great way of circumventing the effects of hay fever is to give yourself and your clothes a quick wash before going to bed.

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"This removes any microscopic traces of pollen on you, preventing it from impacting your slumber. Be sure to also pay close attention to your hair and eyes, as pollen molecules can get trapped amidst hair fibres, eyelashes, and skin cells."

Altering sleep angles

“Inclined bed therapy is a wondrous practice. It has uses for all sorts of serious sleeping conditions like sleep apnoea, but of course, it is also a great tool for combatting allergies.

"Try placing a few cushions or pillows under your neck and head before you sleep. By elevating the head by 10 to 30 degrees, your body will be able to drain the mucus from your sinuses much quicker, resulting in clearer airways before bed.”

Spring cleaning

“Despite its cliché sound, spring cleaning is in fact named for a reason. By keeping on top of your cleaning regimen, you’ll have a much better chance at reducing the amount of dust and pollen floating around the home.

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"Make sure to vacuum your bedroom regularly, including your mattress; dust as often as possible and perhaps keep surface wipes close to your bed if things are particularly tricky.

"Be sure to use a vacuum with a higher energy particulate (HEPA) filter, as this will remove microscopic traces of dust and pollen much more efficiently. You’ll be breathing better in no time.”

Get an anti-allergy duvet

“Not just a marketing gag, anti-allergy bedding is a great tool when suffering from hay fever.

"Unlike traditional feather alternatives, hollowfibre duvets reduce the chances of pollen and dust build-up at nighttime by preventing pollen, house dust and other allergens getting trapped inside the bedding.

Avoid alcohol

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“Although alcohol can make us feel tired, when it comes to hay fever, alcohol can actually make things much worse.

"Alcohol is rich in histamine, a chemical that causes hay fever symptoms.

"If you’re suffering this hay fever season, consider ditching the alcohol before bed in favour of a big glass of water. Topping up your fluids before bed is always a great idea, even more so when facing allergies.”